Company Plastik Gogic at international fair of green Techology Ecomondo in Italy
Beginning in November in Rimini, Italy, this year was also reserved for ECOMONDO – International Green Technology Fair.
Plastik Gogić, like the previous 3 years, had the opportunity to participate in this important European platform organized by an Italian exhibition group dedicated to green economy and renewable energy sources, where during the four days of the event we managed to show a part of our production program.
There was also a positive result in terms of international visitors, who accounted for 10% of the total. At the event were trade and industrial representatives from 115 countries: 70% from Europe and 9% from the Mediterranean basin, with very significant participation of exhibitors from China and the Russian Federation.
In Italy, the company Plastik Gogic managed to restore its energy source and we are ready to welcome new achievements in 2019