BlogPlastik Gogić at the IFAT 2016 fair in Munich

May 20, 2016

Plastik Gogić at the fair of water management, wastewater, waste industry and raw materials

We are proud to inform you that, in the period 30thMay – 3rdJune 2016, in Munich, Germany, takes place the world’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management –IFAT 2016.

The fair is the leading manifestation in the field of environment protection which this year celebrates its 50-year jubilee.

Kindly take part in the forthcoming event and visit us at our stand –Hall B2, booth 507, having in mind that IFAT represents an outstanding platform for all decision-makers, managers and all interested parties in the branch.

The company MNG Plastik-Gogić exhibits products in the field of waste management – plastic waste bins of different sizes and volumes.

Looking forward to seeing you in Munich!